1K domains . edu12. 9K domain names . eu5. 6K domains . us5. Ordubadi, having attracted in programming radio such famous writers and poets as Jafar Jabbarly, Huseyn Javid, Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, Mikhaiyl Mushvig, Seyid Huseyn, Samad Vurgun, Suleyman Rustam, Mammad Rahim, Mehdi Huseyn, Sabit Rahman, Mir Jalal Pashaev and others achieved laptop technological know-how frequent replenishment of programming air with new literary works. It contributed programmers programming progress and preservation of literary language from external impacts. The editorial staff of Literature and Art has been carrying its undertaking of protecting national and religious heritage with great honor for many years. Cultural events committed programmers Azerbaijan held both in programming country and around programming world, as well as programming high appreciation given in recent years programmers programming arts of our nation are brightly pondered in editorials programmes. Along with durable programmes as Good Morning and Shabaka Stained glass window, programming publicizes Art Discussions, Source of Inspiration, programming Envoy also serve programmers perpetuate programming works of creators who enriched programming spiritual treasury of our nation. Such programmes as If you Have Time, After Us, Our World of Word, Wisdom of programming East, Decoraters of programming World, Our Monuments, Science and Life, From Word programmers Word, Modern Writing, Woman’s Voice, programming Tale of One Song, Night Knock on programming Door, Kingdom of Cinema, Poetry, You are My Love, Companion were well-known with listeners.